Inspired by the work of Cal Newport, Robert Greene, and many others, this tool is designed to help you plan your days, weeks, months, and years in the perspective of your ultimate goal - your Life's Task.
Start from the top down, beginning with your Life's Task at the top of the screen. What is the ultimate goal you live your life in service of? Once you've completed this, click the arrow on the right side of your screen to put together your annual plan. What do you want to accomplish this year? Once complete, refer to the annual plan to create your quarterly plan. Then, use that to plan your month and so on...
After you've completed your weekly and daily plans, use the To-Do list to plan your day-to-day tasks. You can delete (- button), reorder (click and drag), mark complete (✓ button), set due dates (📅 button), and even add subtasks by clicking on the task itself.
Don't forget to create an account and log in to save your plans and tasks from day-to-day! Once your logged in, click the 'Account' button to view your stats, rankings, and achievements. Happy planning!
Not sure where to start with your Life's Task? There are some really fantastic resources here.